ANZSCO 251 健康诊断和促进专业人士 Health Diagnostic and Promotion Professionals - FLYabroad
ANZSCO 251 健康诊断和促进专业人士职责概述 - FLYabroad
健康诊断和促进方面的专业人员进行诊断测试并操作仪器去评估疾病、功能丧失和残疾,提供健康方面的建议,开展和制定有关促进健康、安全和健康工作环境方面的方案和政策,管理药物。 HEALTH DIAGNOSTIC AND PROMOTION PROFESSIONALS conduct diagnostic tests and operate equipment to assess illnesses, incapacities and disabilities, provide health advice and develop programs and policies which promote good health, safe and healthy working environments, and administer pharmaceuticals.
脊柱按摩疗法和整骨疗法医生、补充健康治疗师、牙医、职业治疗师、物理治疗师、足病医师、言语和听觉专家不包含在此类别中。他们包含在252小类:健康治疗专家。 Chiropractors and Osteopaths, Complementary Health Therapists, Dental Practitioners, Occupational Therapists, Physiotherapists, Podiatrists, and Speech Professionals and Audiologists are excluded from this minor group. They are included in Minor Group 252 Health Therapy Professionals.
ANZSCO 251 健康诊断和促进专业人士技能要求 Indicative Skill Level - FLYabroad
在澳大利亚和新西兰 In Australia and New Zealand:
- 本组中大多数职业都要求具有与学士学位或更高资格相当的技能水平。某些情况下,除了要求有正规资格还要求有相关经验和在职培训经历(ANZSCO 1级水平)。 In Australia and New Zealand: Most occupations in this minor group have a level of skill commensurate with a bachelor degree or higher qualification. In some instances relevant experience and/or on-the-job training may be required in addition to the formal qualification (ANZSCO Skill Level 1).
ANZSCO 251 健康诊断和促进专业人士主要职责 Tasks Include - FLYabroad
- 制定、执行、审核、检查、测试和提高对饮食、菜单和营养干预方案、视力问题、患者药物治疗的意识 developing, implementing, reviewing, examining, testing and raising awareness of diets, menus and nutrition intervention programs, the nature and extent of vision problems, and patients’ medicine therapy
- 规划、执行和评估有关安全、经济和各种废物的处理方法和安全的工作实践的策略和程序 planning, implementing and reviewing strategies and procedures for safe, economic and suitable disposal of various wastes, and for safe work practices
- 从事有关个人、群体和社区健康和营养状况的研究和评估,制定和改善药品、化妆品和相关化学产品的生产要求 conducting research and assessing data relating to health and nutrition status of individuals, groups and communities, and to develop and improve pharmaceuticals, cosmetics and related chemical products
- 用图像协助医生诊断患者的疾病,执行放射疗法。 producing images to assist Medical Practitioners diagnose patients’ illnesses and diseases, and administering radiation treatment
- 与其他健康专家、化学家、工程专家和其他专家商谈。 consulting with other Health Professionals, Chemists, Engineering Professionals and other professionals
251 Health Diagnostic and Promotion Professionals nfd 职业在 ANZSCO 所处位置
- 1 经理NFD / Managers nfd
- 2 专业人士NFD / Professionals nfd
- 25 卫生专业人员NFD / Health Professionals nfd
- 251 健康诊断和促进专业人员NFD / Health Diagnostic and Promotion Professionals nfd
- 2511 营养专家NFD / Nutrition Professionals nfd
- 2512 医学影像专业人士NFD / Medical Imaging Professionals nfd
- 2513 劳动卫生与环境卫生专家NFD / Occupational and Environmental Health Professionals nfd
- 2514 验光师和视觉矫正师NFD / Optometrists and Orthoptists nfd
- 2515 药剂师NFD / Pharmacists nfd
- 2519 其他健康诊断和促进专业人员NFD / Other Health Diagnostic and Promotion Professionals nfd
- 3 技术人员和行业工人NFD / Technicians and Trades Workers nfd
- 4 社区和个人服务工作者NFD / Community and Personal Service Workers nfd
- 5 文书和行政工作人员NFD / Clerical and Administrative Workers nfd
- 6 销售人员NFD / Sales Workers nfd
- 7 机械运营商和司机NFD / Machinery Operators and Drivers nfd
- 8 劳动者NFD / Labourers nfd