2121 艺术总监,以及媒体制作和演示NFD 212111 艺术总监 212112 媒体制作(不含视频) 212113 电台主持人 212114 电视节目主持人 2122 作者,图书和脚本编辑器NFD 212211 作者 212212 书籍或脚本编辑器 2123 电影,电视,广播和舞台导演NFD 212311 艺术总监(电影,电视或舞台) 212312 董事(电影,电视,广播或舞台) 212313 摄影指导 212314 电影及视频编辑器 212315 项目总监(电视,广播) 212316 舞台监督 212317 技术总监 212318 视频制作 212399 电影,电视,广播和舞台导演制造业 2124 记者和其他作家NFD 212411 文案 212412 报纸或期刊编辑 212413 本刊记者 212414 电台记者 212415 技术撰稿人 212416 电视台的记者 212499 记者和其他作家制造业
2341 农林科学家NFD 234111 农业顾问 234112 农业科学家 234113 森林人 2342 化学家和美酒佳肴科学家NFD 234211 化学家 234212 食品技术 234213 葡萄酒制造商 2343 环境科学家NFD 234311 护理主任 234312 环境顾问 234313 环境研究科学家 234314 公园护林员 234399 环境科学家制造业 2344 地质学家,地球物理学家和水文NFD 234411 地质学家 234412 地球物理学家 2345 生命科学家NFD 234511 生命科学家(一般) 234512 当前未使用 234513 生物化学 234514 生物技术专家 234515 植物学家 234516 海洋生物学家 234517 微生物学家 234518 动物学家 234599 生命科学家制造业 2346 自然和物理科学专业人员NFD 234611 医检师 2347 自然和物理科学专业人员NFD 234711 兽医 2349 其他自然和物理科学专业人员NFD 234911 保护者 234912 冶金学家 234913 气象学家 234914 物理学家 234999 自然和物理科学专业人员NEC
2531 全科医生与居民医疗人员NFD 253111 全科医生 253112 驻院医生 2532 执业医师法NFD 253211 麻醉师 2533 专科医师NFD 253311 专科医师(全科医学) 253312 心脏病 253313 临床血液病 253314 医疗癌症 253315 内分泌 253316 胃肠病 253317 重症监护专家 253318 神经学家 253321 儿科医生 253322 肾内科专家 253323 风湿病 253324 胸科医学专家 253399 专科医师制造业 2534 执业医师法NFD 253411 心理医生 2535 外科医生NFD 253511 外科医生(一般) 253512 心胸外科医生 253513 神经外科医生 253514 矫形外科医生 253515 耳鼻喉科 253516 儿科医生 253517 整形外科医生 253518 泌尿科 253521 血管外科医生 2539 其他执业医师法NFD 253911 皮肤科医生 253912 急救医学专家 253913 妇产科 253914 眼科医生 253915 病理学家 253917 诊断与介入放射医师 253918 放射肿瘤科 253999 执业医师法制造业
3121 建筑,建筑与测绘技术人员NFD 312111 建筑Draftsperson 312112 大厦助理 312113 建设督察 312114 工程估算 312115 水暖督察 312116 测绘或空间科学技术员 312199 建筑,建筑与测绘技术人员NEC 3122 土木工程和起草者技师NFD 312211 土木工程Draftsperson 312212 土木工程技术员 3123 电气工程和起草者技师NFD 312311 电气工程Draftsperson 312312 电气工程技术员 3124 电子工程和起草者技师NFD 312411 电子工程Draftsperson 312412 电子工程技术员 3125 机械工程和起草者技师NFD 312511 机械工程Draftsperson 312512 机械工程技术员 3126 建筑及工程技术人员NFD 312611 安全检查 3129 其他建筑及工程技术人员NFD 312911 维护计划 312912 冶金和材料技术员 312913 煤矿副 312999 建筑及工程技术人员NEC
3991 造船厂和造船NFD 399111 船的建造和维修 399112 造船 3992 化工,天然气,石油和发电厂运营商NFD 399211 化工厂操作 399212 天然气或石油运营商 399213 发电厂操作员 3993 画廊,图书馆和博物馆技术人员NFD 399311 画廊或博物馆技术员 399312 图书馆技术员 3994 其他技术人员和行业工人NFD 399411 珠宝商 3995 演艺技术员NFD 399511 广播发射机操作 399512 摄像机操作(电影,电视,录像) 399513 光技术员 399514 化妆师 399515 乐器制造商或维修 399516 录音师 399517 电视设备操作员 399599 演艺技术员制造业 3996 其他技术人员和行业工人NFD 399611 Signwriter 3999 其他杂项技术人员和行业工人NFD 399911 潜水员 399912 内部装修 399913 光分配器 399914 光学机械 399915 摄影助理 399916 塑料技术员 399917 羊毛分级 399918 消防设备技术员 399999 技术人员和行业工人NEC

ANZSCO 111211 公司总经理 Corporate General Manager - FLYabroad

111211 公司总经理职业描述 Job description - FLYabroad

公司总经理负责计划、组织、指导、控制、检查日常操作,并通过部门经理与下属主管检查商业、工业、政府、防御部门的主要功能。 Plans, organises, directs, controls and reviews the day-to-day operations and major functions of a commercial, industrial, governmental or other organisation through departmental managers and subordinate executives.

Previously referred to in ASCO as: 1112-11 General Manager

111211 公司总经理职位别名 - FLYabroad

  • 111211 Kaiwhakahaere (NZ) (S)
  • 111211 首席运营官 Chief Operating Officer (A)
  • 111211 助理专员(警察) Assistant Commissioner (Police) (S)
  • 111211 医院主任 Hospital Administrator (S)
  • 111211 总编辑 Managing Editor (S)
  • 111211 工会干事 Trade Union Secretary (S)

111211 公司总经理技术等级 Skill level - FLYabroad

公司总经理的技能等级为1 (ANZSCO Skill Level 1)

111211 公司总经理澳洲技术移民职业评估 Skills assessment authority - FLYabroad

AIM - 澳洲管理协会经理类职业评估 Australian Institute of Management:评估不需要雅思。

111211 公司总经理执业注册要求(不代表移民要求) - FLYabroad

111211A 收入图示(Earnings) - 飞出国

111211A 职业全职从业者税前周薪比例(Income Range Per Week - Before tax)

Income of persons working full-time

111211A 职业全职与兼职从业者税前周薪比较(Income Based On Employment Status Per Week - Before tax)

Earnings of persons working full- and part-time

数据来源: abs.gov.au 及 myfuture.edu.au

111211C 收入图示(Earnings) - 飞出国

111211C 职业全职从业者税前周薪比例(Income Range Per Week - Before tax)

Income of persons working full-time

111211C 职业全职与兼职从业者税前周薪比较(Income Based On Employment Status Per Week - Before tax)

Earnings of persons working full- and part-time

How much can I expect to earn?

Full-time employed General Manager earn an average of $1937 per week. The average annual salary for this job is $100724 excluding super. Learn more about salaries for this job​.Opens in a new window

Personal requirements

* good oral and written communication skills * good organisational and time management skills * able to work under pressure * leadership skills * able to analyse and solve problems * good understanding of how businesses should function * interested in people, processes and resource management. This job also involves:
[Mainly indoor work](#Collapse "Click to expand or collapse") Workers performing these jobs would usually be expected to spend more than three-quarters of their day indoors, in an office, factory or other enclosed area protected from the weather.
[Reading or writing](#Collapse "Click to expand or collapse") These jobs require moderate or better reading and writing skills. Workers may be expected to prepare, understand or act on written materials, such as letters or reports. People may wish to avoid these jobs if their reading or writing English skills are limited to a small range of words or phrases and symbols. Jobs remaining may still require very basic reading or writing skills.
[Sitting for long periods](#Collapse "Click to expand or collapse") The main duties and tasks involved in these jobs are usually performed sitting down at a desk, counter, workbench or other location for periods of at least two hours at a stretch.

This occupation offers jobs at the following skill levels:

[Professional Jobs](#Collapse "Click to expand or collapse") Jobs in this group usually require completion of a recognised Bachelor Degree, or extensive relevant experience. Some jobs also require post-graduate study, such as a Graduate Certificate, Graduate Diploma or Master Degree.

## Study requirements
At school, you can study these subject(s) to get a good foundation for this occupation:
[Economics](#Collapse "Click to expand or collapse") School subjects that include some aspect of ECONOMICS provide a useful background to these jobs. In some cases an economics-related subject is a pre-requisite for entry to courses that provide the training for the job.
[Mathematics](#Collapse "Click to expand or collapse") School subjects that include some aspect of MATHEMATICS provide a useful background to these jobs. In some cases a mathematics-related subject is a pre-requisite for entry to courses that provide the training for the job.

[Find a related course](/Explore careers/Browse occupations/Details/Related Courses Details?Anzsco=111211C&State=ALL) Check the information for your state for details about specific education and training requirements.

## Duties and tasks of a General Manager
General managers may perform the following tasks: * decide on the organisation's objectives, policies and programs and set standards and targets * provide leadership for the achievement of policy objectives, increased profit or market dominance * assess the performance of the organisation and its activities * provide overall direction and management of the organisation's utilisation of resources, including personnel, technology and physical assets such as buildings * consult with staff and review their recommendations and reports * guide the preparation of reports, budgets and forecasts and present them to boards and other governing bodies * represent the organisation in negotiations and at meetings, conventions and seminars, and liaise with other organisations * select or approve the selection of senior staff * authorise funds to implement policies and programs.

## Related occupations you might like

Full-time employed General Manager earn an average of $1937 per week. - See more at: http://myfuture.edu.au/explore-careers/browse-occupations/details?anzsco=111211C#sthash.OzYoIj4M.dpuf

数据来源: abs.gov.au 及 myfuture.edu.au

111211 Corporate General Manager 职业在 ANZSCO 所处位置

  • 1 经理NFD / Managers nfd
    • 111 行政首长,总经理和立法者NFD / Chief Executives, General Managers and Legislators nfd
      • 1112 总经理NFD / General Managers nfd
      • 1112 总经理NFD / General Managers nfd
        • 111211 公司总经理 / Corporate General Manager
        • 111212 国防军高级官员 / Defence Force Senior Officer
  • 2 专业人士NFD / Professionals nfd
  • 3 技术人员和行业工人NFD / Technicians and Trades Workers nfd
  • 4 社区和个人服务工作者NFD / Community and Personal Service Workers nfd
  • 5 文书和行政工作人员NFD / Clerical and Administrative Workers nfd
  • 6 销售人员NFD / Sales Workers nfd
  • 7 机械运营商和司机NFD / Machinery Operators and Drivers nfd
  • 8 劳动者NFD / Labourers nfd